Would you like to make a one-off donation to St. Helens Parish Church?
Thank you. Your generosity and kindness is gratefully received and will help us to further our mission and ministry here in St Helens.
All of our funding comes from personal giving from our regular congregation and occasional small grants for specific work. We are not centrally funded by the Church of England or the government. Your support will enable us to continue to provide services to the people of the St Helens community.
We now have a card reader in church for one off donations for when you are visiting church or you can make a one off donation here. If you’d like to speak to us about supporting our Minster vision with a larger donation towards a specific part of that plan please contact Rev. Rachel Shuttleworth on 01744 22909 or by email here.
Are you looking to give regularly to St Helens Parish Church?
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a great way to give regularly to the work of our church. Watch the short clip below and find out more here.
Would you like to remember St Helens Parish Church in your will?
If you would like to see how to continue supporting your church with a gift in your will ( Legacy) please call the church office 01744 22909 for a legacy pack