Children on Sundays
Children on Sundays
Children of all ages are welcome at our Sunday church services There are toys and activities for various ages available, please ask one of the welcome team or wardens and they’ll help you.
On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month - whenever we are celebrating Communion during the service, there is a Sunday school for those aged 3-11 on offer if you’re children would like to be part of that. They go out just before the bible reading, and come back in for Communion so we can celebrate that family meal with all ages present. There is a sign up sheet in church, please ask when you arrive if you’d like your children to join Sunday school.
Why not try out the Tea and Stories every 4th Sunday at 4pm as this is especially designed to be family friendly, we also have a mid week group on Tuesdays please see Tots and Tinies for weekday children’s groups