
Weekly Services

Weekly Services

Worshipping Together


Gathering as members of God's family is key to who we are at Parish. It’s an opportunity to worship God, hear from His word and celebrate what God is doing in our lives together, and we'd love you to join us. Every week is slightly different through the month, but every week we can guarantee we have a friendly team on hand to give you a warm welcome!


Our Gatherings

Sunday Worship

Our Sunday Worship in the Parish Church building is at 10.30am.

All are welcome to any of our services.

Each week there is a slightly different flavour to the service, it is our hope that over the course of the month there is something for everyone.

1st & 3rd Sundays are Holy Communion. We use the Common Worship liturgy.

2nd Sunday is ‘Worship and Word’ with singing, prayers and a sermon.

4th Sunday is a contemplative service using celtic prayers

5th Sunday is a Traditional Holy Communion where we don’t use the screens, the clergy and readers wear robes and the music is accompanied by the Organ.


Midweek Services

Every morning at 9.30am we join together to say Morning Prayer. Monday - Friday this happens in the building, and at the weekends we encourage you to pray wherever you are! If you would like to join with us from home you can access the prayers here

Every Wednesday we hold a communion, which uses the words from Common Worship. Whether you’re shopping in town, on a lunch break or can’t make it on Sunday - it would be wonderful to see you!