Discipleship is the name we give to choosing to follow Jesus. To a lifestyle of reading the bible, praying, learning, giving of our time and our money, serving in church and the community and worshipping alone and together.
At St Helens Parish Church we have a culture of discipleship that holds together personal responsibility and collective support. We can and should each choose to follow Jesus as best suits our personality, our family life or work responsibilities and other considerations. We also all have a responsibility to encourage one another in our faith, support each other, laugh together and cry together and remember that WE are the church together!
There are therefore many opportunities in the life of St Helens Parish Church for you to be resourced and encouraged in your life as a disciple of Jesus. Some of those will be advertised in the weekly and monthly whats on sheets as they are one off services or seasonal groups but there are some more regular.
Come Follow Me is a weekly group for people who have come to faith in Jesus from a Muslim background. Please contact the Church office on 01744 22909 for more information.
The Book Group is a monthly group meeting to read and discuss Christian books. Their first meeting is on 17th February 2024 and they will meet monthly from then. Please contact the church office on 01744 22909 for more information.
The Supper Club is a discipleship for young adults meeting over an evening meal once a month and moving round houses to share the hosting and child care responsibilities. If you’d be interested in joining, please speak to Rev. Rachel.
The Mother’s Union is the local branch of an international organisation, that meets once a month on the final Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. With sung worship, prayers, reading the bible together and listening to fascinating speakers the Mother’s Union has something for everyone. For more information contact Mrs. Janice Watkins via the Church Office on 01744 22909.
Let’s Explore is a monthly group meeting to explore some key questions we face as disciples and dig a bit deeper into our life as followers of Christ. We meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month after Morning worship at around 12noon.
Let’s Explore 2024